Welcome to the Manifesto for Consumerism project!

When future generations look back at our times, how would they describe it in terms of a dominant artistic movement? The days of realism, impressionism, futurism, and all the others are gone. This is the era of Consumerism!

In this project I aim to visually explore contemporary changes in how art is made, consumed, and our relationship to its value.

The core of the work is the Manifesto for Consumerism itself as a publication. This is a forty-page zine containing a ten-statement manifesto declaring Consumerism as an artistic movement, followed by image-text compositions that delve deeper into the subject.

Artworks are strictly created with Artificial Intelligence to demonstrate new technology and are crafted to resemble classical styles. The Manifesto is constructed to increase the number of images with each spread, showcasing the buildup of media noise and illustrating how individual images lose value and become cumbersome due to the sheer volume. Other themes touched are the role of businesses in media creation, and artistic elitism.

The print version of the Manifesto is coming in 2024.

Contact me at manifestoforconsumerism@gmail.com to get notified about the release!

Another branch of the project is an NFT collection, serving as the perfect example of the commodification of art. By utilizing images from the manifesto and expanding on them with unique titles and short descriptions that reflect contemporary attitudes, I have created 22 distinct digital artworks. These can be purchased and traded digitally on the OpenSea NFT marketplace.